

23013 Uppsatser om Social work education - Sida 1 av 1535

Socionomprogrammet- en praktik inom forskningsyrket?

Social work has gone from being a primarily philanthropic issue to becoming an academic discipline at university level. To ensure its legitimacy social work must be founded on, and developed through scientific research and documented experience. The purpose of this essay is to review the various arguments on social work in order to evaluate their impact on education, which in turn affects students. In addition, it will demonstrate how different forms of knowledge are valued depending on the contexts. As a means of reaching this objective, the following questions are addressed: ?What are the requirements and recommendations on how the education of social work should be structured, and why are these requirements and recommendations important??, ?How has the education of social work been influenced by the perception of valuable knowledge?? and ?How does the education of social work affect students?? The collected material consists of various arguments concerning the development of social work and the education of social work's formation.

Socialsekreterares kompetens i arbetet med ensamkommande barn

The purpose of this study was to investigate what competence social workers have, don´t have and ask for in the work with unaccompanied children, how a lack of competence and guidelines has been compensated in the practical work and how the social workers view the future work with unaccompanied children. This has been done through eight semi-structured interviews with social workers who work with unaccompanied children. The result has been analyzed with help of the theoretical perspective globalization connected to social work and showed that none of the social workers felt not having the competence to work with the children. However, everyone mention one or more areas where they ask for competence development. The study showed that lack of education has been compensated through practical experiences, knowledge exchange with others and that guidelines now have been formed.

Arbetslag och tidspress - En studie av lärarutbildares arbetssituation

This essay investigates the work situation for teacher educators at a university with focus on the subject areas education, research and administration. The research questions contain the work situation the teacher educators have, how they apprehend it, and how they find their position within the work organisation. Six interviews have been executed at the teacher education at a university. Some of the results from the investigation indicate that the teacher educators find education to be very a very demanding work and that the split of work during the academic year is uneven. The work with administration before and after the education, for example work with syllabuses and descriptions for courses, are activities demanding much time.

För det är så vi lärt oss livet, typ

We, the authors of this essay are both students at the Bachelor Programme in Social Work at Malmö Högskola. During our education we have been reflecting on the gender perspective that is suppose to permeate the education. This essay aim to examine how some students at the Bachelor Programme in Social Work at Malmö Högskola, who identify themselves as GLBT , experience how questions regarding sex/gender and sexuality are spoken about during their education. We have a discursive perspective on how we understand norms and power of words and language. From a queerteorethic point of view we explain sex/gender and sexuality.

Socialt arbete online? : En studie om för- och nackdelar medelevkurativa samtal online samt vad socionomutbildningen genererar för kunskap om fenomenet

This study is about how school counselors in Kalmar County view the need for a pupil curative work online, what they believe are ethical aspects to be considered in social work online and if they feel they have sufficient training to conduct pupil curative conversations online. The aim has been to make contact with universities in Sweden to see if they have elements of Social work education that lectures a social work online.The study is based on semi-structured interviews with school counselors in Kalmar County. The majority of the interviewed school counselors lacked the knowledge and experience of a student curative work online but some had discussed this phenomenon at work. One counselor worked daily with a pupil curative work online. The intention of interviewing universities to investigate whether there are elements of Social work education that addresses a social work online defaulted unfortunately because they choose not to participate in the study.The main conclusion of our study is that school counselors consider themselves lacking sufficient knowledge to conduct pupil curative conversations online.

Socialt arbete online? : En studie om för- och nackdelar med elevkurativa samtal online samt vad socionomutbildningen genererar för kunskaper om fenomenet

This study is about how school counselors in Kalmar County view the need for a pupil curative work online, what they believe are ethical aspects to be considered in social work online and if they feel they have sufficient training to conduct pupil curative conversations online. The aim has been to make contact with universities in Sweden to see if they have elements of Social work education that lectures a social work online.The study is based on semi-structured interviews with school counselors in Kalmar County. The majority of the interviewed school counselors lacked the knowledge and experience of a student curative work online but some had discussed this phenomenon at work. One counselor worked daily with a pupil curative work online. The intention of interviewing universities to investigate whether there are elements of Social work education that addresses a social work online defaulted unfortunately because they choose not to participate in the study.The main conclusion of our study is that school counselors consider themselves lacking sufficient knowledge to conduct pupil curative conversations online.

Att inkludera eller exludera : En kvantitativ studie om socionomstudenters förhållningssätt till specifik kompetens i mötet med HBTQ-klienter

The aim of the study was to examine which approach future social workers have regarding specific competence in the meeting with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer clients. Previous research shows that LGBTQ people have a low confidence towards social services, police and courts and say they face discrimination and degrading treatment to a greater extent than the heterosexual population. Research shows that education and better skills of LGBTQ culture among professionals can change the situation.The essay is based on a model of cultural competence in working with sexual minorities and people with a transgender expression. The model defines the meaning of an LGBTQ perspective and is designed to improve social work with LGBTQ clients.The study is quantitative and empirical data consists of 203 survey responses from students with a long experience of the Social work education. The analysis of the results is based on the cultural competence three principles; attitudes, knowledge and skills.

Hiv - En förstummande sjukdom? : socionomstudenters och socialsekreterares attityder till hiv-positiva

The aim of this study is to examine social workers' and social work students' attitudes towards people living with hiv in Sweden. I will also examine if there is a connection between knowledge and attitudes. The questions at issue are how social workers' and social work students' attitudes can assume to influence on their professional practice and what causes can affect their attitudes towards people living with hiv. The study is based on a qualitative method. The methods have been: conversational interviews with five social workers, who work with family issues and integration, and a focused group interview with four social work students.

Vaddå socialt arbete? : socialarbetare och den vetenskapliga diskursen om begreppet och praktiken socialt arbete

Social work is a social phenomenon, existing in most societies, that has given rise to a multitude of special organizations and professions. For that reason social work is dealing with a complex identity. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how social workers and the scientific discourse interpret the concept of social work. In addition to that the study intends to show similarities and differencies. The research process containes two studies, one based on qualitative interviews with five social workers and the other consisting a surway of academic litterature.

?Jag vill vara där dom andra är" : Specialpedagogiska insatser ur elevperspektiv

This study was about how pupils described their school situation with special education. The specific focus was on pupils which are described as ?troubled pupils?, unconcentrated pupils?, pupils in social and emotional difficulties or characterised by similar concepts. The study was based on a sociocultural perspective and an interactional perspective. The empirical material consisted of interviews with eight pupils in age between 9 to 12 years old and who had special education.

Nyutexaminerade socionomers uppfattningar om relevansen av sina professionella kunskaper som de fått under utbildningen efter inträdet i arbetslivet : En kvalitativ studie

The aim of this study was to examine how newly qualified social workers from Linnaeus University in Kalmar feel that the school has prepared them with the professional skills to meet the demands that exist within social work. Social work education is a generalist training that will result in a professional qualification. With a qualitative approach eight newly qualified social workers were interviewed.We used the sociology of knowledge as an overall theoretical approach. We also used experience- based knowledge as a theoretical approach. One of the study's conclusion was that the graduates had difficulty linking theory to practice.

Om rätten till utbildning för psykologiskt och socialt utsatta barn och ungdomar: ett juridiskt perspektiv

This essay is about children who have psychological and social problems. An increase part of children and young people in Sweden describe this kind of difficulties. These problems are at the same time a concern for the school as well as the social welfare. The purpose in this essay is to explore if children with psychological and social problems have the same legal rights to education as other children. The main questions are to describe the legal rights in this area and explore how schools and social welfare cooperate in order to achieve better possibilities for the children.The facts take a legal aspect as a starting point.

Speciallärarens yrkesroll : Handledare eller samarbetspartner?

From autumn 2008 Sweden has reinstalled the Special Education Needs teacher education. For future special education teachers and active teachers in the field, it is important to know the history and be aware of future visions to create a good role for the Special Education Needs teachers. This study examines attitudes towards special education and Special Education Needs teachers amongst school principals and classroom teachers at seven schools in Umeå municipality. School principals were interviewed, and a survey was handed out amongst the selected General Education teachers. From this it appears that school principals have a picture of special needs education and Special Education Needs teachers' work that corresponds well with the objectives of the school's governing documents.

Utbildningens betydelse för hälsan : En studie i skillnad på ohälsa mellan akademiker och icke-akademiker

The main focus with this study was to investigate if there was a difference in level ofeducation and self-rated health and if it could be explained by the amount of control,demands and social support at work. Theories used in this essay are education, health,and the job strain-model (control, demands and social support at work). We used analready done study by Folkhälsoinstitutet (2004) to examine these questions. Theanalysed sample consists of respondents 12 166 aged 18-84 years. The decline was39, 2 %.

Teoretisk kunskap i en praktisk verklighet: en intervjustudie om socionomers och arbetsledares kunskapssyn i socialtjänstens arbete med barn och unga

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how social workers perceive the concept of knowledge within social services, particularly within children and youth services. Our goal is also to study the employer's expectations and demands on graduate social workers. The main questions we address in this thesis are; What knowledge is seen as useful by employers and graduate social workers working in social welfare offices? To what extent does university education bring useful knowledge to the work being done by social workers? What practical knowledge is there in the workplace for social workers to learn? When recruiting, what expectations does the employer have of graduate social workers? What challenges are there with recruiting a graduate social worker?We have interviewed six social workers and four employers in the social childcare division in different municipalities in Skåne region, Sweden. We have used epistemology in our analysis.

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